Saturday, August 18, 2007

Falling to the ground?

Why is it sometimes that I can search and seek God and I seems like my prayers and searching fall to the ground? God, I know you are alive and well. I see you working all around me. Help me to see You and not what I want to see. Help me to see Your answers, not the answers I want to see. I want you more than I want myself. I have tasted Your love and will continue to search for You with all my heart, soul, and mind. I love you Lord.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I think we all go through this at times. We feel like God does not hear us. Imagine if God answered ALL of our prayers IMMEDIATELY when we asked and He did this constantly, every day, every month etc. We would EXPECT Him to answer us when we beckoned, He might turn into OUR servant and expect Him to work on OUR schedule. Can you see how this could be a bad thing? During that time of silence (unanswered prayer) we are to live by faith. We are to wait on Him because His timing is impeccable! We are to keep in prayer (thus keep our focus on Him).

As far as what we pray it already written? Are we asking for something He has already given His approval on in His Word?

Are we asking with a sincere heart? Is it of a spiritual nature? I have found that when I ask for spiritual things (wisdom, understanding) He readily gives. Is it about whether you should take that job or that house? If so, then remember, you won't thwart God's plan for you. And if you do make a bad decision, He will work it out for your good.

This is a huge topic - it's hard to generalize unless you tell us what exactly the nature of your prayers are. I'd be very interested to hear.
